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requires the courage

to let go of certainties.”

Steve Bothe


I'm a professional artist/designer who loves creating unique and engaging artwork. I’m continually experimenting and learning new techniques to feed my hungry soul.


Painting is and always will be a treasured part of my life. Most of my work is commissioned these days;

I have a few existing paintings available for purchase at the bottom of this area.

If you would like to purchase an available painting or commission a painting or portrait see my Contact Area.

I also have some Limited Edition, Signed Prints available online through

Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LandmarkGallery

and ArtPal: https://www.artpal.com/LandmarkGallery

I see art everywhere in everything.

The Paintings Below are available for purchase


Steve Bothe

Cedarburg, Wisconsin




Purchasing Existing Paintings

The paintings shown above were sold to individuals or corporations. The ones that are available from my private collection to purchase are shown here and marked with a price and size. Please email or call me to discuss payment and shipping options.


Portraits and Paintings

The paintings shown here were commissioned by individuals or corporations. I can do an original acrylic painting in various sizes for you or a portrait from your photographs. The pricing starts at $800 for a 8 x 10 inch size and I can usually complete them in about two to three weeks. A painting or portrait is a gift for many generations to come! Please email or call me to discuss.

"Rude Bridge"

Oil on canvas, 16" x 20"

The Rude Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts, inspired me to paint this tranquil, yet lonely scene. I enjoyed visualizing the historical characters who may have travelled this bridge. With frame, overall size is 19" x 23".

Buy it now for $550

"Misty Scottish Morning"

Oil on board, 18" x 24"

This painting captures a very peaceful, tranquil mood while also creating mystery as to who is in the boat and are they fleeing something dark or just out for a early morning fishing trip. Instead of the thick, opaque strokes of most oil paintings, here I used many thin layers of paint to build up a unique soft, deep result. This painting has won several awards at various juried art festivals but has not been for sale until now. With frame, overall size is 23" x 29".

Buy it now for $1,100

"Boats at Bay "

Oil on canvas board, 24" X 18"

The many contrasting textures; the barn wood, water, stone, buildings and vegetation inspired me to paint this New England scene in a very loose, free style. This was my first venture into a more abstract, vibrant style. With frame, overall size is 28" x 22".

Buy it now for $750

I believe my path as an artist started in kindergarten with an art project that involved leaves, crushed crayons, some wax paper and a hot iron. My colorful creation fascinated me and fueled my imagination and the need to create. Years later I would graduate from college with a degree in commercial art and marketing, working my way towards being a nationally known, award-winning graphic designer by day and a fine artist by night. I am the founder and President of Landmark Publishing, Inc., a 39 year-old design and marketing firm with clients from around the country. We recently added a new subsidiary, Landmark Unified Marketing, to the mix to offer a greater focus on digital marketing. Today I’m spending more time on my fine art, my paintings also winning awards and gracing the private collections of individuals and companies from coast to coast.


Making art is a need for me, an essential for life. It is a release that allows me to excite, yet slow down my brain, refocus and live in the moment. Capturing that spirit on canvas or paper preserves it for eternity for myself and others. My travels and love of architecture have greatly influenced my subject matter, with my unique imagination adding a great deal to the completed composition. My paintings feature a loose but very controlled brush stroke, giving a romantic feeling to my paintings. The painting pallet varies with the mood of the subject matter, from very limited to extremely vibrant. A casual but deliberate composition and overall color balance are two of my trademarks. Whether it is a landscape, still life, or portrait, I respond to the effects of color, light or atmosphere on the subject. Much of what I paint is connected to my past and becomes an important part of my future.

Please scroll down to see a few of my paintings. I haven't been good about photographing every painting when it was finished so there aren't as many as there should be. I'm doing a better job of documenting each one now so I'll keep updating.

MY LIFE (The short version)

As a child, I was very shy, always observing the world around me but finding it easier to speak through my art and other creations. I saw things differently than others, which pushed me further back into myself, lest someone think I was odd. As I matured I discovered that my talents were a unique gift, something that would not only help me as an artist, but also aid me in life by giving me a unique perspective on every other aspect of the world. I have developed a unique balance between my creative side and my more rational, grounded persona.

This newfound confidence booster along with marrying a wonderful, outgoing woman helped me to be more extroverted. The duties of running a business, sitting on various boards, and public speaking events further pushed me to express myself more freely and be come more successful as an artist, businessman, husband, and parent.

A few videos of works in progress


These 3 paintings are from my own personal collection,

I usally don't sell paintings off my walls but I need to make room for some new ones. So, I have discounted these considerably.